La Force d’un savoir-faire
Tout le jour, dans le chantier des tonneliers, retentit un tintamarre caverneux ; tournant autour d’une futaille dressée sur le sol et couronnée de flammes, tandis que le feu de copeaux chauffe les douves assemblées, les tonneliers frappent en cadence sur les cercles de fer.
Les Destinées sentimentales,
Jacques Chardonne

About us
France is celebrated the world over for its culture, good taste, and refinement.
It’s with this art de vivre which produced so many renowned crus and wines that French coopers built up their expertise.
From one century to the next, they established close ties with wine growers. Because of this, their products are now an unquestioned reference and a sign of confidence, for exceptional wines around the world to impart their full expression and achieve excellence.
Coopers have inherited 2,000 years of tradition. They have always had a fully active role in the fascinating world of wines. The development of wine followed the development of civilizations and became one of the symbols of the refinement of civilizations.
The Federation
687 000
Barrels Producedin 2023
Million Eurosin Sales